The 2nd Asian Palaeontological Congress (APC2) will be held in 2023 in Japan

The Asian Palaeontological Association (APA) is pleased to announce that the 2nd Asian Palaeontological Congress (APC2) will take place from 3rd to 7th August 2023 in Tokyo, Japan. The APC2 scientific committee, Japanese Organizing Committee and Palaeontological Society of Japan are please to welcome paleontologists from Asia and neighbouring countries to join us for this event held in Japan.

The congress will be held on site in the prestigious venue of the University of Tokyo with a quiet and academic atmosphere despite located in the busy and convenient area of central Tokyo.

After the successful first Asian Palaeontological Congress (APC1) held in Beijing in 2019, rather dramatic changes in society and economy due to the Corona pandemic. We hope that all of you and your family have, or had, no health issue caused by COVID19.

Despite this current state of uncertainty, the APA and Japanese Organizing Committee of APC2 hope that we should be able to have a face-to-face on-site meeting in two years’ time. Incidentally, not all the effects of the pandemic were negative: it revealed the strength and versatility of having a meeting online. We thus plan to devote one day to sessions that are solely held online, so that people who cannot attend the meeting on site in Tokyo can give a talk, or communicate with other attendants, through internet.

It is always a pleasure to see the active participation and exchanges of different generations.

In order to promote networking and scientific growth in the young generations in particular,

we plan to offer discount registration fees for students and best poster awards.

Looking forward to seeing many of you in Tokyo in 2023. For detailed information and the First Circular regarding to APC2, please visit the congress web at